What Kind of Evil Are You?

1. What would your supervillain outfit be? 2. Choose your motivation to keep fighting despite constantly being beaten 3. Pick an item to help you defeat your enemies 4. Speaking of your enemies, what do you think of them? 5. Who even are your enemies? 6. You're now suddenly the leader of the whole world. What do you do first? 7. Choose your obligatory weird stereotypical 'this guy is evil' quirk 8. You can only choose between infinite treasure and infinite peace for yourself. Choose 9. Has it ever been in your control or was it destiny? 10. Pick a song lyric based on how well you vibe with it 11. Because it's thematically appropriate for this quiz and I'll never see an opportunity like this again, choose a part from Aurelio Voltaire's "When You're Evil" 12. Pick an evil companion 13. Pick an evil lair 14. As sad as it is, you now have to choose how you die