Some games I made for fun!
Games that are Mobile Friendly will have a 📱 on their link
Games that are functional but are slightly still a work-in-progress will have a 🔨 on their link
Click on images to see more screenshots

A game for all girls who like guys, now bastardized by the webdev of this site!
Date cute (and possibly familiar) stickpeople with different quirks and traits
Guess who your friends' soulmates are while you try to stop them from guessing yours
- Replay mechanic, no need to refresh the page
- Built-in tally system if you don't have a paper on hand
- This or That? 📱🔨
A game where you pick between two different cards in different scenarios
Find out more about your friends in a fun version of this or that
Technically "Would You Rather" but I had a cool idea for the logo ok? Ok.
- Capacity for custom topics
- Pre-set topics you can choose from
- Choose how many topics you want in one game
- Messages 📱🔨
Randomly chosen messages from a messenger of your choosing. That's it, that's all there is to it. Doesn't even really count as a game due to lack of any input, but who cares? Not me!